Did He Really Say That?


One morning, while I was making the bed, I felt a wave of worry wash over me. Like how a strong scent fills a room, worry hit my body and seeped into my nerves. I worried about my health, finances, my family's future, my motherhood; you name it. Anxiety came quickly, grabbed on to any thought it could, and ran straight towards my heart. Then, worry had a voice — “Did God really say that he’ll take care of you?"

I was tempted to engage. Luckily, I’ve heard this kind of question before:

Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the Lord God had made. He said to the woman, “Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden’? The woman said to the serpent, “We may eat fruit from the trees in the garden, but God did say, ‘You must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch it, or you will die.’”

Genesis 3:1-3

If you don’t know the story, Eve continued the conversation with the serpent and eventually disobeyed God by eating from the tree that was forbidden. That's when sin entered the camp and what changed the course of history forever.

This verse helped me call the enemy out for trying to send me into a downward spiral.

I recognized the words this time, but how often do I give in to the enemy's schemes? Genesis 3:6 says “The woman was convinced…”

How often do I give in to doubt, because I’m convinced that God’s word isn’t true?

Did God really say you’re called?
Did God really say you're forgiven?
Did God really say He is good?
Did God really say _______________?

When I’m frail and emotional, I could care less about what’s true. All I can think is what I feel. The adrenalin in my body mixed with doubts running rampant in my mind get to a point where I can’t see or hear anything else but baiting language from the enemy.

PAUSE. What does the enemy’s baiting language sound like to you?

His questions can be so subtle. With his sharp powers of judgement, Satan speaks doubt through our dreams, other people, things we watch, when we’re alone, or when we’re busy. Regardless of when they come, the goal is to derail us or to get us worshiping our own efforts. How can you tell if his shrewd words have had an affect? Notice what words come out of your mouth when something or someone triggers you.

When I’m triggered into anger, I usually mouth off “There’s no hope for me!”

In reality, we’re not always going to have perfect faith or know when lies are affecting us. As humans, we'll always have questions and moments of doubt. Real questions can actually lead us toward truth. Where it takes a wrong turn is when we try to solve the doubt without asking God. That’s when the questions can turn into lies.

I can’t tell you why Eve engaged with the serpent. I know why I engage with second-guessing. In a twisted way, I think doubting God can give me the relief or freedom I need from big feelings I can’t fix on my own. Doubt-inducing language can be so attractive, can’t it? Doubt offers a false sense of security and wisdom that can only be found in God.

Scripture says,

"Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. (Romans 12:2)

Another version of this says, “Let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think.” (NLT)

We are to ask God to renew our minds constantly. It’s active prayer and submission to God’s good voice.

For example, I often hear, “Did God really say you’re a good mom?” Sometimes it feels easier to give in to fear as a way to escape or to say, “You’re right, I’m horrible!” But as followers of Christ, we’re not here to do the easy thing. We’re here to let God do His work in us. So instead of trying to solve the doubt, I’m going to NOTICE it and say “God, what do you say? Please change the way I think.”

The next time you hear, “Did God really say ________” or anything that resembles these words, take it as invitation for God to change your thinking. He is faithful to answer. We just have to silence ourselves and listen. If you still have trouble hearing truth, the answer is always — Yes, God did say He’s good, He’s for you, and He means it.

“Not a single one of all the good promises the LORD had given to the family of Israel was left unfulfilled; everything he had spoken came true.”
Joshua 21:45

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God, make my mind new in this moment. Make new connections, de-activate neurons stuck in fight or flight mode, heal stored trauma. Bless my mind with an awareness of your truth and the discernment to break ties with the enemy’s lies and questions. God, help me only hear your voice. In Jesus name, Amen.

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