The Permission You Need
I sat on my bed typing away while one phrase kept ringing in my mind:
Don’t wait for perfection.
This being said to a perfectionist.
So much of my writing, poetry, and business ideas are the raw and vulnerable parts of me. Sharing them is always risky. As artists, we want the things we share to be pure and of course, amazing. We want our work to look professional, to stand out, and to meet our impossibly high standards. We return to our work day and night crafting, tweaking, and deleting drafts until the finished product feels right. Can I get some snaps if you agree?
If you were to ask me how I know when my work is done, it would be tough to answer because I often strive for perfection. Nothing I create ever feels “done”.
Insert those words here: Don’t wait for perfection.
I launched a small business — my Wardrobe Coaching business. That’s a huge deal, right?! You better believe I felt nervous to put this service out there; but that moment on my bed was God’s providence. As I typed up the plans, I kept hearing those words, and it was the permission I needed to keep moving forward. The words I needed to try, to fail, and to accomplish. Now, I am confident that I can help people.
This stuff takes so much work, countless prayers, listening and waiting, but one thing it doesn’t involve is perfection. If I waited for things to be perfect i.e. the perfect pictures, perfect branding, or the perfect words, I’d still be hovering over the “publish” button.
I’m not a perfect writer. I may have a business degree, but I’m not an expert entrepreneur. I’m not a web developer or professional graphic designer. Every inch of this blog is me showing up as an imperfect artist, so I can empower you to do the same.
“Every inch of this blog is me showing up as an imperfect artist, so I can empower you to do the same.”
Is there right timing for things? Yes. Do ideas need time to grow and breathe? Absolutely. Factors like these are necessary for things to take proper shape. That’s when you can check in with yourself and ask, “Am I waiting in peace or am I waiting for perfection?”
How will you know the difference? It boils down to being led by fear or being led by truth. Lord, lead us in your truth!!
It’s vulnerable and risky indeed. You open yourself up to criticism, rejection and dismissal. You also open yourself up to a creative process that reflects your creator. A process that forces you to separate who you are from what you do. A process that can bless others who also need to be seen and known.
That’s honestly why we artists do what we do. We don’t just do it for the thrill. We don’t do it for the money or the crowds, although we struggle with those motivations at times. We do it because we love to create and see others create too.
As you follow my small business or notice me sharing words, may you think to yourself “I can do this too!” This doesn’t only apply to creative works. Use this reminder when you need to try something new, work towards health, revamp your closet (shameless plug for my wardrobe coaching), or even just to rest!
This is the permission you need to share your ideas. The cheer, the support, and the yes. Don’t wait for perfection. Move forward with intention. Seek God, try it, do it, and see Him move.
Apply it
Ask yourself: Am I waiting in peace or am I waiting for perfection?