You Are Not Your Calling
After years of living in insecurity, I can now wholeheartedly say that God has called me to share his good news through writing and speaking.
It has taken me years to say that.
All this time, I thought that was the hard part, but it wasn’t. The hard part is living out my calling. Not because it’s hard work — don’t get me wrong, it is — but it’s when I mix up my calling and my identity. When I confuse what I do with who I am.
Am I called to share good news and author words? Yes. Am I chosen to be an author? No. My purpose involves good works, but I’m chosen to be something greater.
To be God’s daughter.
"We know, dear brothers and sisters, that God loves you and has chosen you to be his own people."
1 Thessalonians 1:4 (NLT)
Called vs. Chosen
We toss the word “calling” around a lot. We say, “What do you feel called to do?” or “Who do you feel called to?” While the motive behind the questions are pure, the answers can feel overwhelming. Whenever someone asked me a calling or purpose question, my body would immediately tense up. I felt like I needed to have a clear and concise answer, but I never knew what to say. I felt like I needed to sum up who I was and if I couldn’t, I lost confidence in my identity.
Why are we asking the question in the first place? Is it to learn what someone is passionate about or is it to asses their significance? We need to recognize the difference before we ask anyone about their calling because, if we’re not careful, we could lead a person to believe they’re significance is based on they’re calling. It’s not.
I wish I would’ve known this before I tried to understand my own purpose. Your calling is significant, but it’s not the beginning and end of you. You are not your calling. You are chosen. Learn the distinction, and your calling will materialize.
Here’s one definition to help your process — Your calling is about the message you have to share and the people you feel drawn to serve. Your belonging is about who chose you in the first place. You didn’t design your purpose or author your own existence. The God of all creation did!
That, my friends, is good news!!
When I recognize that I am chosen, I feel less pressure to live up to my calling. Why? Because I remember that my identity doesn’t change regardless of my efforts. In other words, the fulfillment of who I am, or even the works I share, don’t rise and fall on me. I’m not God. I pray that knowledge alone relieves any pressure you feel towards your own purpose.
“[God] existed before anything was created and is supreme over all creation.”
Colossians 1:15 (NLT)
Does that mean I don’t create goals, pursue my passions, or implement routines. Not at all. I am to do good works to the best of my ability, not because I want to fulfill some never-ending hustle or score more points with God. My identity and standing with God is already established through Christ. I work from my belonging, not for it.
Write that down somewhere!
I pray we live knowing we were first chosen before we were called. May it correct the narrative that says we need to look within ourselves to fulfill all our grandiose plans or dreams. We were chosen to be God’s holy people. Let good works flow from that truth instead.
Today’s truth
You were first chosen before you were called.