vivien reed

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Pause: Part One

Scissored yarn lays like
leaves on her wood table.

A half-completed
piece stood against
her window as tall
as the glass panes.

Yesterday’s indecision creeps
back in trying to halt
today’s decisions.

She picks up her bobbin
hoping today would be different,
lifting dyed threads
to try again.

Her flow feels painstakingly slow
and a bit thirsty from
yesterday’s marathon.

Her fingers need physical
therapy and proper
stretching to keep weaving.
To keep seeing.

She closes her eyes,
rolls her shoulders back
and loops through
the warp again.

Colors in and out,
comb it down.
Row after row.
Stroke after stroke.

Repetition is crucial.
Yet, it’s her pause
that brought her back
to the looms.
The break in creating
that helped her
see what she was missing.
The inhale-exhale moments
make the weave strong. They
secure the warp and weft bond.

She keeps going
and finds her stride like a harpist
finds her strings.
Her committed moves marry
rhythmic pauses to lock in
a tight foundation.

Years in the making:
the dance where work
and rest do the tango.

Years in the making:
pick it up,
set it down,
pick it up.

Years in the making:
a tapestry that’s worth every pause.